*** Notice ***
As of May 2022, this site is no longer being updated. The regular Los Alamos Photo Club site is at groups.io/g/lapc and is kept up-to-date.
LAPC: The Los Alamos Photo Club (LAPC) is devoted to photography topics in general. Meeting topics have included the gamut of techniques for taking, "post-processing" and printing photos.LAPC and LAAUG are open to all who are interested in photography, primarily digital. LAPC meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of most months, from 7-9 PM. Before the pandemic, LAPC meetings were in-person in the upstairs classroom in Fuller Lodge Art Center (using the outside stairs on the Central Ave side of Fuller Lodge). Meetings are currently held remotely, via Zoom. Membership dues for LAPC are $15/year.
LAAUG: The Los Alamos Adobe User Group (LAAUG) was set up as a sub-club of LAPC, to focus more deeply on post-processing of photos, mainly with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. LAAUG was meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month, between 7:00 and 9:00 PM. No LAAUG meetings have been held since before the pandemic. If you are interested in exploring the capabilities of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop more deeply, why not consider re-establishing LAAUG meetings? Please contact Laurie (lswaters619@comcast.net) or Leigh (hagar@newmexico.com) if you are interested.
LAPC in-person meetings are suspended for the foreseeable future because of the effects of the pandemic. LAPC is currently meeting virtually. For information about upcoming LAPC Meetings, click on the "Meetings" topic above.
More Information about LAPC and LAAUG is at groups.io/g/lapc
[updated May 14, 2022 by Leigh]